

If you are looking for a beautiful new tree to add to your landscape design, a Magnolia is a great choice.  This tree is a spring blooming tree that has blooms in a plethora of pinks, from pale to rosy hues.  There are a variety of types as well, such as Saucer Magnolias, Galaxy Magnolias, or pictured above Goka Magnolia Kobus. Saucer Magnolias usually have clump trunks, which means there are several trunks coming out of the ground for one tree, and a fully mature Magnolia can grow to about 25 feet in height and about the same in width. The Galaxy Magnolia is usually a single stemmed tree with just one trunk, and the branches and flowers grow more upright. They only flower for about a week in the spring, but this is a great way to start the spring with a beautiful splash of color in your yard, and you’ll be the envy of the neighborhood!


Spring Growth

Spring in here, and with it so are beautiful plants and a variety of flowering trees! Although the weather has turned cooler again for a short time, these plants will not be deterred.  Be on the lookout for flowering trees, such as white barked birches, crab apples, cherries, and magnolias. These trees have wonderful flowers and leaves that are emerging after the winter months, and as they add color to your yard and neighborhoods, they bring the promise of warm summer nights spent outside with family and friends. Make sure you are pruning off any dead branches so that the tree can fill in those spaces with new growth, and depending on your preference and how old the tree is, you may want to prune some of the lower branches to give them a nice, clean look.


Annabelle Hydrangea

This hydrangea is named for naturally occurring in the wild near Anna Illinois.  The Annabelle has a beautiful white flower that gets as big as 12 inches in diameter.  They are a great addition to clip and add to any flower arrangement!  They bloom from late spring through fall.  They are fast growing and get to 5 feet tall and wide.  Annabelle’s do well in the shade to partial sun.  You can keep the dried out flowers on the stems all winter for a pretty highlight in your winter garden.  If you don’t like the heads left on through the winter you can prune them in the fall after they are done blooming.  You can prune them down to the ground since they grow flowers on new wood.  It is not recommended to do this every year because it can start growing weaker stalks.  Compost and mulch your hydrangeas and keep them well watered every week.  They are a wonderful addition to your garden.
