What Should I Plant Together?

*Add early spring color by mixing yellow flowers of Little Gem combine beautifully with blue Chionodoxa.

*Use roses generously, a bright pink shrub rose is a good partner to Iris.

*Rely on annuals like Petunias and Pentas. These two plants will bloom nonstop from May to September.

*Mix flower shapes and add interest by mixing flowers with different petals and sizes. Some examples of flowers would be Penta flowers and Stella D’Oros.

*Purple pairings like Veronica, Bearded Iris, Feather Bluestar, Catmint, and Chives would be full of textures and contrast.

*Include Hydrangeas, most of these bloom from midsummer to fall, which make them ideal for mixing them with flower borders.

*Mix shrubs and flowers and make shrubs the backbone of your flower border. They add color and structure to your garden even when everything else is not in bloom.

*Plan for drought, Anise Hyssap and Creeping Seedum, both of these grow and bloom even when rainfall is scarce.