Watering Your Lawn


With the hot weather, grass is going to struggle to stay green.  Make the choice to either commit to watering and keeping it green or letting it go dormant and brown.  If you let your grass go dormant and then decide to water it, you could be harming your lawn.  Breaking dormancy cycles costs the grass a lot of food and energy reserves, and makes it more susceptible to disease.  If you commit to watering and keeping up with it, you can let your lawn go into a mild drought.  If you walk on your lawn and you can see the footprints left behind, that is a sign of mild drought. This is beneficial to the grass because it stimulates root growth.

Part of having a healthy lawn is making sure it has plenty of water.  Grass typically needs 1-1 ½” of water a week to stay green and actively growing.  Ideally they get this from natural rainfall, but when that is not happening watering is crucial.  Make sure you try to spread the water evenly, or if you are using a sprinkler system, make sure it has an even distribution, with no spots that are getting double the water than others.  You do want to water as little as possible, but when you do, you want to thoroughly saturate the grass so it soaks down to the roots.  Make sure you try to water in the early morning as much as possible, avoid midday watering because the water will evaporate, making it ineffective, and on sunny days this could potentially harm the grass.  Also avoid night watering since this increases the chance of disease.