The Best Fresh Herbs

Fresh herbs makes recipes taste even better and are great to have around for soups, stews, and salads. When picking a place to grow your herbs, keep in mind that they need a good 4 to 6 hours of sun daily.
Parsley: This is a mild bitter herb that can enhance the flavor of your food. Many consider parsley to be just a garnish for food but it can actually help things like stews achieve a more balanced flavor. It can also aid in digestion. It is often grown as an annual, but in a milder climate, it will stay evergreen all winter long. Parsley plants will grow to be large and bushy, and it is a good source of vitamins A and C.
Mint: There are several varieties of mint. You can use it in drinks like mojitos or mint juleps. Mint freshens your breath and will help calm your stomach. If you grow mint, remember that it is considered an invasive plant, it will spread and take over your garden. It is best grown in containers.
Dill: Dill is a great flavoring for fish, lamb, potatoes, and peas. It also aids in digestion, and reduces swelling and cramps. Dill is easy to grow. It will also attract helpful insects to your garden.
Basil: This plant is popular in many cuisines but is a feature in Italian cooking like pizza, salad, sauces, and pesto. Basil has antioxidants and health benefits like defense against low blood sugar.
Sage: This is an aromatic herb that is great for seasoning meats, sauces, and vegetables. Sage also help to relieve cuts, inflammation, and helps with memory issues. Sage is an easy herb to grow and it is relatively easy to care for. It’s great in your garden for attracting bees.
Chives: Chives are a member of the garlic family and can be the perfect complement to sour cream. They are mostly used for flavoring and are considered one of the fine herbs of French cuisine. Chives work well with eggs, fish, potatoes, salad, shellfish, and soup. Chives are an excellent source of beta-carotene and vitamin C.
Lemongrass: Lemongrass stalks can provide antioxidants such as beta-carotene and a defense against cancer and I inflammation. You can brew it in tea as well as use it as an herb seasoning